Kids Circus School
Circus Arts Instruction Program
The school offers a quality, integrated circus training program aimed at children and adolescents between 5 and 19 years of age.
Since the organization was founded, more than 1,600 children and young adults between the ages of 5 and 19 have benefited from the circus school. Additionally, the student population represents six different towns in the region (San Pancho, Sayulita, Bucerías, San Ignacio, La Peñita de Jaltemba, Las Varas and Lo de Marcos), not to mention those who come from Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco. A total of over 10,000 hours of classes have been taught by Mexican teachers specialized in different circus disciplines and performing arts, thus also generating sources of employment.
Our goal in the near future is to offer those students who have reached the most advanced level the opportunity to become professionals in their circus discipline, thus creating a specialization program.


Focusing on children 5 and 7 years old, we offer the smallest of our students the opportunity to learn freely and creatively through dynamic games in a variety of technics in Circus (such as juggling, clown, acrobatics and aerials).
Introduction to Circus Arts
Directed towards children and young adults who later gain interest in technical training in varios disciplines in Circus Arts. The preparation at the physical level is necesary to begin the exploration in all the disciplines of Circus. The goal is to develop the balance in distinct materials adn equipment, development of motor skills and exporation of forms and figures of the body. Additionally, the training stimulates concentration and encourages responsibility, confidence and a sense of self-sufficiency.

General Training in Circus Arts

Offered to children and teens between 10 and 19 years of age, these level offer:
Artistic Expression:
Promote the creation of original forms through the expression of ones sentiments in a safe and secure environment ; promoting a healthy development of self-esteem.
Acrobatic and Technique Insruction:
Improve physical capabilities such as Strength, Power, Resistence, Agility and Balance; Develop a “language of movement” in each Circus discipline and obtain a sense of security within each student through his/her own successes and accomplishments.
Creation and Performance
Promote learning through action. An acrobatic routine requires the integration of the physical and the mental self demanding a step by step process essential in the construction of a Circus number. The student registers a log of his-her progress, discoveries and thereafter begins the search for visual and musical elements that enrich the performance. Finally, the student observes how his-her number is incorporated in the final structure in completing a performance or show.
Specialty Classes
Designed for those students with more advanced skills who also have interest in developing further in different techniques (aerials, acrobatics, trampoline, hand to hand, juggling, balance, stilts, unicycle, wire, Cyr Wheel). At this level, the students continue with general training plus with a specialty workshop of their choice aspire to refine their technique.

Adults training
The school of circo also offers a weekly morning class program for adults (Aerials, Acrobatics, Contemporary dance, Ballet, Salsa, and more.) All classes are multi-level and seek to promote improved physical condition and encouragement to take risks in a safe environment.
Every year, the adult student classes create and end-of-the-year performance to show off their hard work and to allow these students to Iive the artistic experience of being on stage.
Click here to see our schedule
This program has benefited more than 3200 individuals from San Pancho and different towns of Bahía de Banderas. More than 4000 hours of workshops have been taught and over 90 master classes have been given.

Master Class
Intensive workshop
Special workshops by invited Master Instructors and Artists from all over the world are also offered. These workshops are designed to offer unique opportunities to challenge new and more experienced professionals in the area of Circus Arts, Performing and Dance. The goal is to promote within the community and beyond the opportunities to gain greater technical and artistic skills as well as be inspired by visiting instructors who are masters in their craft.

Theatre space
Fundraising Annual Event 2024

- Group P: Ages 5-6
- Group A: Ages 7-9
- Group B: Ages 9-10
- Group C: Close group
- Group D: Close group
- Initiation 1: Ages 9-11
- Initiation 2: Ages 11 and older
- Specialties: By teachers invitation
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